Hi All. Many asked for a video of Filly, so here is one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGuLXwvZRTk . Think I got the aspect ratio a bit wrong, but you can at least see her being ridden.
It was her first ride in the big field at our livery yard. Prior to this it has been a swamp.
I set out a 20m by 40m arena with little markers and also a Stacey Westfall clover leaf pattern. I was trying to keep everything as consistent and familiar as possible for her and we had been doing lots of these patterns in the school.
I, of course, did a proper prepare to ride ground sequence prior to riding her. After all my mentor, James Roberts, was most definitely watching from horsemens heaven and I did not want to get up there myself one day to be given a telling off. He sits on my shoulder everyday and speaks to me. Before I rode I asked my wife what James would say. "Stop messing about and get on" was her reply. That's what I thought James had just said so I mounted with confidence and had a good ride.
You may notice she is a little lame, particularly at walk. This is due to a conformational issue plus some foal hood injuries which we are slowly overcoming. Interestingly she only feels lame to ride when she is a little stressed like in this video. Today I rode her in the outdoor school and she felt absolutely perfect
I did know I was on the wrong lead at canter, but rather than make her feel wrong for it decided to just change the circle direction on this occasion.
Not the prettiest ride I know, but for me given Fillys background it felt fantastic. I was so proud about how calm she held herself and how honest a ride she gave me. She really is a great partner.
It was her first ride in the big field at our livery yard. Prior to this it has been a swamp.
I set out a 20m by 40m arena with little markers and also a Stacey Westfall clover leaf pattern. I was trying to keep everything as consistent and familiar as possible for her and we had been doing lots of these patterns in the school.
I, of course, did a proper prepare to ride ground sequence prior to riding her. After all my mentor, James Roberts, was most definitely watching from horsemens heaven and I did not want to get up there myself one day to be given a telling off. He sits on my shoulder everyday and speaks to me. Before I rode I asked my wife what James would say. "Stop messing about and get on" was her reply. That's what I thought James had just said so I mounted with confidence and had a good ride.
You may notice she is a little lame, particularly at walk. This is due to a conformational issue plus some foal hood injuries which we are slowly overcoming. Interestingly she only feels lame to ride when she is a little stressed like in this video. Today I rode her in the outdoor school and she felt absolutely perfect
I did know I was on the wrong lead at canter, but rather than make her feel wrong for it decided to just change the circle direction on this occasion.
Not the prettiest ride I know, but for me given Fillys background it felt fantastic. I was so proud about how calm she held herself and how honest a ride she gave me. She really is a great partner.