A chilled Filly

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Feet update

It's been a while since I last showed pictures of Filly's feet so I though a quick update might be in order. As followers of this blog will know a few years ago Filly was very lame. She was diagnosed with navicular syndrome. An MRI showed chips on both front navicular bones. The outlook was not great with the possibility of using injections to control the problem and maybe get a few years of useful work from her. As you can imagine this was an emotionally painful time with much worry, and yes, tears.
By nature I've never been shy at trying something radical to get a good outcome rather than play it safe to get a so so outcome. Following lots of research I came across mention of Nic Barker at Rockley Farm. After visiting her I sent Filly there for three months of rehab on her amazing track system. I could write reams about Nic's method but you're far better off heading over to her blog and reading her key posts here Rockley Farm Key posts
When Filly came home she was still not sound. My farrier threatened us with the RSPCA which was stressful. But I could see a big change in the shape of her feet and it was that change that would ultimately enable the hoof to start to heal itself from the inside. So after some more dark and emotional days and many many hours of walking Filly in hand around the local roads to literally grind her hooves to the shape she needed we started to see her movement improving and could breath again.
Now, as you all know, I'm riding Filly again and doing lots of fun stuff together. We still go for in hand walks around the local lanes. Not because I can't ride her but because I found I really enjoy walking out with her when I need some exercise. We do hack out more conventionally as well ;).

Here is a link to her original blog post from Rockley farm so you can see what the hooves looked liked as they came out of shoes

Fillys blog at Rockley

And here are some photos of her feet now