A chilled Filly

Monday, 27 December 2010

Progress report

Christmas is over and I finally have time for a quick update, not that the horses have had time off ! I had to go to Calgary on Christmas afternoon but still managed a quick session with Billy. Ritchie was already in Chicago so I had a little spare time !

To start with Filly is getting much much less dominant at last. The key has been total consistency in responding to her dominance attempts. Not only in the school, but in all my contact with her. This concept is important. To Filly all contact is of significance, but it is easy for the human to only focus on the contact within the schooling environment and let things lapse in the stable and even when leading around the yard ( to and from the field for example ).
Any attempt to nip is met with a reaction from  me that matches the phase she has used on me or is a little stronger. To start with this was usually requiring a fore quarter yield out of my space, but today it had reduced to me just having to up my body energy and maybe raise a hand if her head came towards me with that predatory look. The challenges were still regular of course but not as aggressive. I reckon they have reduced to no more than one every 5 to 10 seconds which is a considerable improvement.
As to the other games I play they are going very very well. I invented a new figure of eight pattern using 3 obstacles in an L shape. Unlike the normal 2 cone pattern which is very predictable the 3 cone pattern means that Filly has to ask the question at each cone as to which side to go. Thus rather than her just doing the pattern like an automoton she has to look for and react to my direction at each cone. This resulted in a much more interesting game for her and gave me the opportunity to direct her motion which as we know is a major way of gently asserting leadership and dominance over her.
I also spent a long time sat on the low mounting block. I did this to test that I still have control when I am much lower than her. To start with she tried to take advantage of the situation with more nipping, but quickly learned that my apparent stature did not change the nature of the relationship. By the end I had her circling on the 12 foot rope and even changing circle direction all whilst I was sat down.
Just to add more significance to the session today Ritchie was playing with Bonitao in the school at the same time, but with a few minor instances I managed to keep her attention on me the whole session. Ritchie and I now have a few days off so I hope that if all goes well the riding training can progress.

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