Just a very quick blog today about a very special time yesterday. I arrived with not enough time to play with both horses and wanted to concentrate on Billy. However I had to at least visit Filly in the semi outdoor cage she inhabits during the day. Not ideal but better than staying in the box all day.
Anyway as I approached the cage she was lying down with her head up. I expected her to get up as I entered, especially as getting the door open is not exactly quiet ! However she stayed down so I knelt next to her head and started gently rubbing and scratching her. Nice cuddles from her head with no aggressiveness at all. After 5 minutes or more she suddenly acted as though she was going to roll and kicked her legs out horizontally. In fact she was just lying completely flat with her nose next to my knees. Lots more rubbing of head and neck. I can't describe the gentle noise she made, but imagine a purring cat and you get the idea. She lay like this for at least 5 minutes with me next to her. Moments like this make up for all the hard times don't you think !!
Anyway as I approached the cage she was lying down with her head up. I expected her to get up as I entered, especially as getting the door open is not exactly quiet ! However she stayed down so I knelt next to her head and started gently rubbing and scratching her. Nice cuddles from her head with no aggressiveness at all. After 5 minutes or more she suddenly acted as though she was going to roll and kicked her legs out horizontally. In fact she was just lying completely flat with her nose next to my knees. Lots more rubbing of head and neck. I can't describe the gentle noise she made, but imagine a purring cat and you get the idea. She lay like this for at least 5 minutes with me next to her. Moments like this make up for all the hard times don't you think !!
It is such a wonderful moment and so special when your horse is willing to lay down and be with you. What a great compliment.
It is my favorite moments with Tucker.
That's great, Tim! I have been able to catch up with the last few blog posts and I'm heading over to the website now :-)
Petra Christensen
Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
Parelli Central
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