A chilled Filly

Friday, 13 May 2011

Overdue Update

Hi all.

Sorry about the rather long break on the blog. The last time I was playing with Billy was on Easter Sunday. All went pretty well and I had finally mounted. He was not really his normal self and maybe I should have read the signs.

The initial stand still was nice and relaxed, and the lateral flexions were soft. However when I asked him to move forwards he resisted, much as he used to when I first started riding him. No problem I thought, I will just ask for a direct rein to unstick those front legs and we will be away. A small buck resulted, bunny hop really. Relaxed for a moment and then I asked for another direct rein. Really big buck this time, with a twist thrown in.

Result was Tim airborne without wings. I landed right on my left hip and the world became a bit painful. I managed to call for help and an ambulance was requested. After a 25 minute wait, during which I remembered to ring my mate Guy and cancel meeting him in the pub, the ambulance arrived. They thought I had dislocated my hip and brought the stretcher out. As I transferred onto it the hip popped back in again. Off to hospital for x rays. After sometime in the emergency room on gas I was taken for x rays. Result : a broken acetabulum (hip socket). Thus I was admitted to hospital and five days later underwent a difficult 10 hour operation to put the hip back together with metal. There then followed a 2 week stay in hospital to get over some of the post op pain, which strangely only occurs at night and stops me sleeping. Back at home now with some strong painkillers to help me through the nights.

I am not allowed to put weight on my left leg for the next 3 months and so have to use crutches for now. This is going to make playing with the horses tricky, but I am determined to find a way.

Ritchie took her mobile to Filly and Billy last night and put it on speaker so that I could talk to them. Interestingly Billy whinnied immediately he heard my voice and Filly reached for the phone, ears pricked, and breathed into it. I would like to believe they recognised my voice, but I guess we would need to run some rather more controlled experiments to confirm this.

I'll keep blogging as to how I get along with this new form of training with all its' ups and downs, of which I suspect there will be many !!

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