A chilled Filly

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Aikido part 2

Second Aikido lesson last Monday evening. The folks at the Dinton club are really good, the instructor had even followed the suggestion I made to look up Mark Rashids work and then made several mentions during the evening as to how Aikido concepts were relevant to horsemanship. On top of that it is great fun, except being flattened repeatedly by ones wife of course
For me it is already paying dividends. In essence the idea of creating an opening, or space for the opponent to move into and then gently directing them there seems a lot like "making the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult". But with more subtleness and feeling.
I am beginning to understand that combining the Mark Rashid / Aikido feeling about horsemanship with the detailed technicalities of the Parelli program will make a very powerful whole.
There is one section in his book where Mark denigrates Natural Horsemanship then provides example after example of what I interpret as Natural Horsemanship, which is a bit odd. Don't let those sentiments from Mark put you off reading what is a very enlightening book though. "Nature in Horsemanship: Discovering Harmony Through Principles of Aikido". In reality it dovetails almost perfectly (in my view) with Parelli.

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